Femina is a public interest nongovernmental organisation that was created in 2017.

During these years Femina has been working actively towards creating a woman friendly environment in our society. Each year we have broadened the reach of our activities to initiate broad-based and society-wise noticeable initiatives. Our development cooperation consists of activities that we do in the frameworks of our projects, especially relating to international cooperation. We contribute to environmental issues.

The workshops will focus on youth leadership, political participation, youth advocacy, sustainable development and critical thinking.

The main goal of the project is to strengthen and increase Nordic-Baltic collaboration on the themes of SDGs by promoting sustainable lifestyle choices, green growth, sustainability and empowerment of CSOs in building the green future of the Nordic-Baltic region.
By this project we aim to increase knowledge of NGO leaders and community members, young adults and other stakeholders working with vulnerable groups about the importance of achievement of the UN SDGs and the need to reduce overconsumption, as it has a huge environmental and climate footprint.

The primary aim of the project is to create an sustainable “Youth Advocacy Alliance” network that brings together youth, non-governmental youth organisations (CSOs), decision makers  of the Nordic & Baltic Sea Region to share experiences and combat joint challenges faced by young people of today in the regions.

Project goals is to raise interest of children and young people in participation/contribution into development cultural and artistic creativity of children by improvement of children and young peopleaccess to the culture and initiation of debates about Nordic culture and arts transformation in frame of achievement of UN SDGs and Nordic Vision on sustainability by focusing on peace, social inclusion and climate change and presenting them in a creative way and through non-formal education by using creative approach and Norse mythology and Languages to growth the future culture leaders.

The main goal of the project is to increase young peoples knowledge and awareness about gender equality and reinforce young peoples role in creation of an inclusive and equal school/environment with a focus on increased youth active participation and women empowerment by tackling gender based discrimination.

Together towards green, sustainable and digital society of Nordic-Baltic region 2021-2022

This project aims is to increase knowledge of young adults, teachers, NGO experts and representative of vulnerable groups about UN SDGs in the context of globalized world, as well as enhance their capacity as well as enhance their capacity to be an agents of change and their engagement towards achieving greener and sustainable lifestyle in their daily activities.

Towards inclusive and sustainable Europe

Project aims to raise awareness about the importance of involving migrants and minorities fully in the civic society as well as sensitising them to understand and appreciate the normality of different worldviews, customs and ways of life among human beings. In addition the project aims to support migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities in society and enhance their feeling of belonging to the community, both local and European.

The main goal of the project is to promote green growth and sustainability in the Nordic-Baltic region by reaching the SDGs and regional cooperation in building the green future of the region. This project aims is to increase knowledge of young adults, teachers, NGO experts and representative of vulnerable groups about UN SDGs in the context of globalized world, as well as enhance their capacity as well as enhance their capacity to be an agents of change and their engagement towards achieving greener and sustainable lifestyle in their daily activities.

Nordic-Baltic journey to the sustainable development goals through gender equality approach

The project increases children’s/young people`s knowledge and awareness about Agenda 2030 and reinforce young people`s role in achievement of SDGs by improving they social skills and active engagement at the local and international level. Young people will create a network of agents of change.

Connecting young people and pensioners

Bringing young and older people together can be very useful, promoting understanding and friendships between generations.

Development and empowerment of rural women

The project aimed to support a women’s development organisation in Lohja that focused exclusively on women and introduced microfinance schemes as a primary tool for women’s empowerment. The project aimed to promote women’s economic development while creating an environment conducive to social change, with the ultimate goal of improving women’s living conditions.